domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

Another Cousteau Working to Save the Waters

I FIRST went on an expedition with my father, Philippe Cousteau, and my mother when I was 4 months old. He had outfitted an amphibious plane, named the Flying Calypso, as a base of operations, and it became our home away from home. By the time I was 4, I had traveled to over a dozen countries.

Alexandra Cousteau

President of Blue Legacy, a nonprofit group based in Washington.

AGE 34



Jacques Cousteau, my grandfather, taught me to scuba-dive when I was 7. He suited me up in a mask and fins, a small weight belt and child-size air tanks and gently introduced me to a whole new universe.

I remember standing at the edge of the boat and feeling concern about how I would breathe underwater. But I trusted my grandfather, and after a few tentative breaths I plunged in and found myself surrounded by a huge school of silver fish. It was a different universe — alien, beautiful and exciting — and a defining moment. That memory keeps me pushing the boundaries of exploration and discovery.

My family had a home in the United States and in France, and we alternated living in the two countries. My father and grandfather worked closely together, co-producing their award-winning documentaries. I spent the first several years of my life on expedition with my parents. But in 1979, when I was 3 1/2, I lost my father to a plane crash in Portugal. His example has moved me to ask the hard questions, to challenge old thinking and to carry forward a legacy that inspires each of us to act.

After graduating from Georgetown University in 1998, I moved to Barcelona for a year. I worked for Canal Natura, a “green” TV channel, writing and producing environmental programming. Several years later, I went to Costa Rica to work on projects that engaged communities in sustainable practices and responsible management of marine-protected areas. I was there two years.

In 2008, I founded Blue Legacy International to shape society’s dialogue to include water as one of the defining issues of our century. Last February, I took a nine-person crew on a 100-day expedition across five continents to explore the interconnectedness of our global water resources. We produced over 30 short films, as well as photographs and blogs we published through a network of media partners.

I love the feeling of arriving in a new place and immersing myself in something I’ve never experienced. I love coming to know a foreign culture, new people and the perspective they offer on the world.

We were recently filming about water issues in a slum community in India when the back of my jeans split. Before I knew it, a group of young children were having a delightful time throwing pebbles aimed at where I had crudely repaired the tear with duct tape. After weeks in the field, it was wonderful to have a chance to laugh at ourselves and marvel at the humor and mischief of children. After a while, a local woman took me inside her house and sewed the rip for me.

As a woman continuing in the tradition of a male-dominated legacy, I have had to learn to stand on my own and assert myself more than I would naturally. But by developing a strong personal voice, I have been able to define my mission in a way that has generated great successes for my organization.

I’ve logged quite a few gypsy miles over the years, but there are times I enjoy being home in Washington to catch up with my friends and family.

I especially enjoy rowing on the Potomac River. It’s like a focused meditation, because if you don’t pay attention to balancing and keeping your oars straight, the boat will tip over. I love the feeling of gliding across the surface and gazing across the water at the birds and forests.

As told to Patricia R. Olsen.

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