domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

"Grave and Sustained Human Rights Violations", says Ratzinger

Pope Benedict XVI finishes his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on April 18, 2008 at UN headquarters in New York. Pope Benedict XVI on Friday reminded all UN member states of their duty to protect their people from 'grave and sustained' human rights violations, warning that if they were unable to do so, the world community had to intervene.

Pope Benedict XVI finishes his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on April 18, 2008 at UN headquarters in New York. Pope Benedict XVI on Friday reminded all UN member states of their duty to protect their people from 'grave and sustained' human rights violations, warning that if they were unable to do so, the world community had to intervene.

Does it applies for him?

Posted via email from apm35's posterous

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