lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

Suicide bombs hit Russian province of Ingushetia

The Moscow metro bombings have reminded the Russian public of a deadly foe it thought it had seen the last of 'black widow' female suicide bombers

A suicide bomber has blown himself up close to a police station in Russia's troubled North Caucasus region, killing two policemen and wounding two more.


The terrorists, Islamist radicals seeking to establish an Islamist caliphate in southern Russia, detonated a second bomb at the same location forty minutes later. Nobody appears to have been killed or wounded in the second blast.

The attacks come as the Islamists boast they have launched a fresh terror campaign after two suicide attacks last week left more than fifty Russians dead in the most serious escalation in an undeclared guerrilla war since 2004.

The latest attack is the fourth in the last week.

Two female suicide bombers targeted the Moscow metro last Monday, two male suicide bombers targeted police in southern Russia last Wednesday, and on Sunday terrorists blew up a goods train in the same region.

In the latest attack, a suicide bomber targeted a town called Karabulak in the predominantly Muslim Russian republic of Ingushetia.

Two policemen died and two more were badly wounded when an unidentified man drove his vehicle up to the local police station's entrance and blew himself and his car up when two police cars drove past him, a police spokesman said.

In a sign of how seriously the authorities are taking the violence, the whole of Ingushetia was recently declared to be a zone of counter-terrorism activity giving the police and special forces a freer hand to hunt down and kill the extremists.

Posted via email from apm35's posterous

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